Creating an account

To use Stylo, creating a Huma-Num account is recommended. To create an account, go to Stylo: and choose the account type (we recommend creating a Huma-Num account or login if you already have one):


If you already have a Stylo or Huma-Num account, sign-in here.

User page

The home page for your Stylo account lists your personal articles as well as those that have been shared with you by other Stylo users.

By default, a first article, called "How to Stylo", appears on the platform, and it details each step involved with writing an article. Do not hesitate to refer to this page if you would like to write your article directly in Stylo, or if you have questions on the articles that require special treatment (illustrations, etc.).

For each article, many actions are possible:

Button Function
Edit To open the article and edit
Share To share the article and its version history with another Stylo user. It will be called: "[Copy]New article"
Duplicate To duplicate only the last version of the article
Rename To rename the article
Delete To delete the article
Plus To expand other functions relating to the article
Versions To consult the history of saved versions
Tag To choose the tags of the article

Note: The document name, as it is visible in Stylo, does not correspond to the title of the article that will be generated. The title must be entered into the metadata(in the right pane of the article) to appear in the preview or export.

Careful : Deleting an article is irreversible. If the article is shared with another user, it will remain available for this user even after it is deleted.

Understand the article structure

An article in Stylo is made up of the following three separate elements:

  • The text body
  • Metadata
  • A bibliography

Stylo offers an integrated interface to edit each of these elements, whose sources are accessible at any time via the export module.

Editing interface

The article editing interface offers many modules:

  • A text body: a space to edit the body of the article's text
  • A metadata manager: a space to edit information concerning the article (summary, author, key words, publication date, etc.)
  • A version manager: a space that saves and names minor and major versions (Create Minor and Create Major), that accesses successive versions to consult, export and compare them with other versions
  • A table of contents: automatically presents a table of contents for the article, based on the titles within the text body
  • A bibliography manager: a space to edit references (cited and not cited in the text body)
  • A statistics tool: presenting statistical information on the article (word and character count, etc.).

Schéma de l'interface d'édition de Stylo

Share option

The [Share] function allows you to invite co-authors to work on the same article. These users then have access to the entire history. The article versions will synchronise for all the users as changes are made to the document.

Careful : Sharing an article with another user is possible only by entering the email address that the other user entered to create their Stylo account.

New article

To create a new article, you must click on the button:

Nouvel article

You must then enter the name of the document in the field provided for this purpose

nommer un article

and validate the operation by once again clicking on the button

Nouvel article

During this process, you can also choose the tags related to the article

Add Tags

The article will then appear in your list of articles.

Click on the button


to access the editing space and begin to work on your article.


If the content that you intended to edit is already structured in another format, in another space, it is possible to transfer it into the Stylo editing space. Stylo essentially edits Markdown language (extension .md): to import content currently in DOC format (extension .doc) or DOCX (extension .docx), we have put in place an online converter, which allows you to convert a docx document to md. The procedure is detailed in the conversion page.


Once you have converted, a .md document is generated: open it with a text editor (Atom, GeDit), and copy/paste the document content into the space of your Stylo article.


The editing environment is made up of 5 modules:

  • In the center: the writing space devoted to the body of the article
  • To the right: the [Metadata] button opens the metadata editor
  • To the left:
    • History of document versions to navigate and interact with different saved versions
    • The Table of contents lists the titles at 2^nd^, 3^rd^, 4^th^, etc. levels
    • The Bibliography lists the bibliographic references
    • The Stats offer some quantitative data for the article

Writing in Markdown

The Stylo article must be writing in Markdown language, an easy to learn markup language.

Markdown language allows a syntax structure that is easy to both read and write. Here are the main writing rules for Markdown:

  • Title: the levels of the title (level 1 for the title of the article, level 2 for the titles of the section, etc.) are organised using #, like this:
    • # Title of the article, ## Introduction, etc.

Careful: the body of the article text does not support titles for level 1; titles for level 1 are only used for the Title fields in the metadata.

  • Italics: italics can be created in two ways: _word_ or *word*
  • Bold: bold can be created like this: **word**
  • Long citation: long citations are created like this: > long citation
  • Footnote: a footnote can be created with or without a number:
    • with a number :
Here is my text[^1]

[^1]:A footnote with a number and reference
  • Without a number :
Here is my text^[inline footnote.]

To improve your knowledge in Markdown syntax, you can see this page.



A document version corresponds to saving your work. A version always contains the following three article elements: metadata, bibliography, text body. Therefore, in changing the old version, each of these three elements are updated.

Your work is automaticcaly saved by default by Stylo, but you must create your own versions. To do so, you can - and should - use the the save function [New Version] which generates a new version of the work.


When you have arrived at a version you are satisfied with, you can name it in the field Label of the version before saving it as a minor version ([Create Minor]) or major version ([Create Major]).

label of the version

A minor version correspnds to minor modifications while a major version creates a version with important cahnges.

At any time, you can viusalize your work, whether it is the current version that you are editing or an earlier version. Click on the button [Preview]:


Each version contains many functions:

For the editable version (Edition):

Button Function
create major To save a major version of your work
create minor To save a minor version of your work
export To export and download the version in different formats
preview To access the preview of your work and annotate it
  • For a previous version :
    • [Compare] to compare different versions (a previous version and the current version or two previous versions). For more information on the [Compare] function, you can consult this page
    • [Export] to export and download the document in different formats: HTML, PDF, XML, etc.
    • [Preview] to access a preview of your work and to annotate it. For more information on the [preview] function, you can see this page

To view a previous version, you must click on its title. To return to the editable version, you must click on the [Edit Mode] button.


The export module offers many formats (HTML, XML, PDF, etc.), allowing you to choose a bibliographic style, and the inclusion or not of a content table.

For more information on Stylo exporting, you can see this page

Table of Contents


The table of contents appears in a list of titles at levels 2, 3, and so on. These titles are clickable, for quick access to that part of the corresponding text.


The bibliography lists the bibliographic references that you have added. The bibliographic references can be added either one by one, or grouped. To add your reference, you must click on [Manage Bibliography] in the left pane: the Bibliography tool then opens and offers you a number of possibilities:

  1. Zotero : you can sychroize a bibliography by connecting Stylo to your Zotero account (private groups/collections or public)
  2. You can also provide the URL of a public Zotero group's collection.
  3. Citations : you can manually fill in your bibliography using BibTeX format.
  4. Raw bibtex : you can correct the BibTeX directly.

You can directly structure your references in BibTex or export your references in BibTex thanks to your bibliography management tools:

To add a reference to the article, you just need to click on the reference, then paste (Ctrl+V) the reference in the desired place of the text. This way, a click is the same as "copying" the reference key to the clipboard. An autocomplete system allows you to display the available references by typing [@ or @ followed or not by the first letters of the reference identifier.


For more information on managing the bibliography, you can see this page.


metadata button

metadata edition

The [Metadata] button allows you to open the metadata pane. Three editing modes are available:

  1. Basic Mode : allows editing the basic metadata: title, subtitle, summaries, authors and keywords.
  2. Editor Mode : allows editing all metadata relating to a scholarly journal: identifying an article, folder information, evaluation information, journal categories, journal keywords, etc.
  3. Raw Mode : an editing space for an advanced user, where you can modify fields directly in yaml structure.

Important : in order to export an article, the "Title" and "Authors" fields must be filled in.

Careful: in the metadata pane is the "Bibliography" division, including the Display option, which allows you to choose to view the bibliography either in its entirety ("All citations"), or just the references which have been cited in the body of the article ("Only used").

All citation



The Stats menu provides information on:

  • The number of words
  • The number of characters, without spaces
  • The number of characters, with spaces
  • The number of citations


There are two annotation possibilities:

  1. Annotate a version
  2. Annotate the article

To annotate a version, click on the version number you want to annotate and then click [preview]. A preview of the article in HTML will open with the annotation tool on the right.

Important: If you annotate a version, your annotation will not be visible on the other version.

To annotate the article, click [Preview (open a new window)] The annotations will relate to the article. However, given that the editable version is subject to changes, annotations could no longer be anchored in the correct parts of the text (which could have been deleted or moved).